REQUIREMENTS ------------ INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS FOR VIDEO.MODULE ------------------------------------- - See : MIGRATE INSTRUCTIONS TO VIDEO.MODULE ------------------------------------- - See : FFMPEG CONFIGURATIONS --------------------- This helper module facilitates uploading new videos using the video module. It features a batch processing queue for videos to be transcoded and automatic thumbnail generation. Install instructions -------------------- 1. Activate the auto conversion and auto thumbnails when creating content 2. Setup it's advanced options to meet your needs 3. Move (or symlink) video_scheduler.php into your Drupal root 4. Check permissions of the files and folders (/tmp/video and files/* must be writable by the webserver or the user executling the cron job) 5. Schedule the execution of video_scheduler.php using unix cron: The crontab should look something like this: # m h dom mon dow command */20 * * * * cd /absolute/path/to/drupal/ ; php video_scheduler.php This will execute the video_scheduler every 20 minutes. Note that the video_scheduler doesn't produce any output and cannot be called from the web. It will, however, put some information in the watchdog. Troubleshooting ------------------------ Configuring and installing ffmpeg in a web server environment might be pretty difficult. In order to help you troubleshoot the transcoding process the ffmpeg helper puts debugging informations on the drupal logs. I strongly suggest to have a look at them if you are experiencing problems with transcoding. The ffmpeg puts in the drupal logs the commands it was trying to execute. You might try to rerun them on a command shell in order understand what went wrong. Or contact a Drupal developer